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Podcast Transcript
Tim Borys 0:00
Welcome to the working well podcast. I’m Tim Borys, CEO of fresh wellness group. This show explores the diverse aspects of workplace health and personal performance.
On the working world podcast we dive into the foundations of what makes wellness work in workplaces around the world. We connect with corporate leaders, executives and industry experts who are helping make life more awesome at work and home.
Join us to learn workplace wellness best practices, personal performance tips, and access resources to jumpstart your personal and corporate programs. Everyone Welcome to the working well podcast.
I’m here with Mike script, Nick. And Mike’s a catalyst that helps spark mid career entrepreneurs with great potential to put their vision into action for big impact. Intentionally adding energy at the right time, in the right way with the right person allows the impact to go Interstellar and set off a cosmic ripple effect.
The multiplier effect of entrepreneurial success extends through generations. Mike is a renowned business coach seven time best selling author featured podcast, podcast guest speaker and producer of the social to social movement TV series is grow get give philosophy and training holds the keys to success of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. He lives loves and adventures in Squamish BC, Canada with his wife, Sherry, and his two children. Welcome, Mike. I’m excited to have you on the show.
Mike Skrypnek 1:27
Tim, I’m happy to be here. It’s good to see you. And that’s the first time I’ve heard that intro. So I’m really happy. It sounds pretty good.
Tim Borys 1:38
Well, one of the reasons I had you on is you have an amazing background and so many pearls of wisdom to share with our listeners.
And I’d like to get started with having you share the story behind your grow, get give philosophy. As I know, it will resonate with many of the corporate professionals and business owners we have listening.
Mike Skrypnek 1:56
Yeah, I mean, it’s a it’s a long story, but I’m going to shorten it as tight as possible. There I was 13 years in corporate got well, corporate guys in the investment management world I was a portfolio manager with in at the time, that would have been my middle of my career. So 13 years in the financial crisis is happening all around everybody. And I was actually sitting in traffic. On my way home from work. It was snowing in mid September in Calgary, which it does occasionally. And I was thinking my life sucks, I really hate this. I’m in my brand new Audi and going to my beautiful house to hang out with my beautiful family.
And I came on the radio. So I’m listening to myself do the radio spot that I recorded an hour earlier, telling, you know, the market that Lehman Brothers just went under. So I’m thinking something’s got to change, I got a, this is not gonna be my life. From now on, I have to figure out a way to bring what I do on the weekends, and evenings into my life. And so, you know, fast forward a year later, and I’d basically wrote on the whiteboard at work that I was going to give a million or at least help give a million dollars to charity every year in my business.
And so I had to create a business that supported it. And it really boiled down to three elements that I didn’t know when I first started it like I didn’t know this girl get give thing someone actually told me that years later that I really liked your girl get philosophy girl get good philosophy. But it really was a process by which I needed to become credible. In the eyes of the people. I wanted to help Wait, right, so I want to help donors, the Millionaire Next Door, and charities Connect so they can explore the philanthropy.
Sorry to do that I had to become credible. And I had to do that by building what I call a mountain of credibility. And so that allowed me to grow my business by connecting what I was about my passion and purpose with a message to the people that I wanted to serve in a way that they just said that, Okay, come on this side of table, you’re one of our trusted people, you know, you’re one of us. And that was important phase. And then what ends up happening is you end up starting to have some success and you gain traction. And, you know, even at that frustration point years earlier, I was like working too much. And I just said this is untenable.
But of course as you get more successful, you work too much. And I couldn’t figure out how to bring the right people into my business. And so I developed these rules around life and business about how to bring the right people in and learn how to do that well, how to establish the right processes and systems so people give you you know, freedom and processes give you leverage and then systems of course give you scale.
So I call that my get more freedom. These were freedom rules that I established. And then lastly, I mean, started with give, and it ended with give. And the give part really was, you know, making sure at the time It was really just all about the money, like getting money to charity, that was my goal. And that was my marker of success. But in time it developed and evolved and really centered around giving back to yourself, your family, your community with whom you wouldn’t be able to succeed in business anyways, because it was the community, and now it’s an online community that supports you, and then causes that matter.
So personal professional, and philanthropic development is really part of what I call a big impact giving process. So, grow, get give is about establishing and building a mountain of credibility, creating freedom rules in life, and then ultimately creating your own big impact giving process.
Tim Borys 5:43
Yeah, absolutely. And I love the philosophy, I love that approach and what you said about sitting in your car in the snowstorm in September, and just thinking, you know, wow, I’m, I’m successful, but I’m miserable. There, there, there are so many people that that I’ve met in the corporate world that are that way. And tip, a lot of times people get they, they get successful in their career, they move up the ladder, and they have all the things that they want, or they thought they wanted in life. But then there’s, there’s not that fulfillment.
And I know from when I started in the fitness industry, we would see people come in that millions of dollars in the bank, but they’re unhealthy, they’re unhappy, they’re not fulfilled in their life. They’re they’re just miserable in general, and they’re looking for some type of solution. So what I, I see what you’re talking about, and I’d love to hear a bit more about some of the even some of the clients that are you don’t have to obviously use names, but the stories that you’ve heard of how people have transformed that, and and
Mike Skrypnek 6:53
particularly in
Tim Borys 6:54
the you know, you mostly work with entrepreneurs right now. But even on the the bigger picture, there are a lot of VP C level executives out there that are in a similar situation. How’s that? How does that connect with the entrepreneurs that you’ve seen? Or have you seen both sides of it?
Mike Skrypnek 7:15
Well, I mean, you know, I’ll have to say one of the things that was really important is that I was really living the life I wanted to live when I wasn’t at work, right. And so it wasn’t that my entire, like, I was doing some really good things. And I done the admin building around that, but I just, I spent 40 or 50 hours a week, you know, doing not that I’m not doing that, right. So I had to change that. I just, and one of the things was you asked me to start asking about people and clients.
And, you know, at that point, I had a number of clients that were kind of the right fit, but most clients, you know, as you see, with best, you know, best and worst of people in the hardest times, right? Am going through a financial crisis, I saw a lot of divorced of people. And you, you know, I realize that one of the realizations, I just wasn’t working with the people I wanted to serve to do what I wanted to ultimately make an impact in this world. And so that shift had to happen. And then you know, getting those relationships going, and then you fast forward.
A number of years later, the whole idea started to blossom, it started to grow, started to be built. And you could see traction in the business, you can see traction on with my clients in terms of their giving, and you can see traction by taking to spend doing the things I love. Now I worked with, you know, the I serve services industry of people who have already done it baby boomers, a lot of baby boomers. Right. And a lot of the baby boomers, I’m hoping my internet state is okay for you here.
There might be some blackout. Who knows. But we’re all living through that, aren’t we right now. So I serve baby boomers have already done it. And they often would say in these conversations, you know, what you just taught me about giving back and my estate planning. You know, I really needed to know that 20 years ago, but I’m glad I’m hearing it now. But if only I knew. And I kept getting those conversations constantly. And so this is around 2014 2016. And this is six years into that, you know, big million dollar goal. And we’re already at 12 and a half million going back to charity.
And I kept hearing it over and over and then they would say here’s what I would have done. And coincidentally and this is the hit home mark. Another hit home and moment is I had a bunch of clients, clients die I had three clients who I cared about very much pass away in one year. And I had another couple have another couple of people had major health issues. And these were when we are trying to instigate and implement good things in their life from a planning standpoint and a lifestyle standpoint, you know, it’s all ready The whole idea of it will be fine, I can just work really hard and kill myself basically, literally, and forget self care, forget my wellness. And then when I’m when I’m feeling comfortable financially or otherwise, I can then do it. And you know, what I learned from the people I serve was they wish they never put in that kind of time.
They wish they work less, they wish they work more on themselves, they spent more time with family, they did more on their wellness, right? And then the evidence was clear in the people who lived them when they put that aside, right. So that those two things were really key to why I stepped out of that industry, to serve owners and entrepreneurs that were 20 to 20 year younger people, the mid career, people who really are going there’s more to this amount of my business more to my life. But I’m not sure. Because the truth is they don’t really know. And they’re getting mixed signals. You know, you’re in corporate wellness, those, those messages aren’t as available as they should be within corporations. hearing it from upper management, no one’s building it not many companies are building it into their, their, their more and more now, but not many are. And in the industry we’re in?
No, not really. I mean, go for big bad lunches, go out for you know, late night drinking with clients. That was the that’s the mantra. I mean, I was family guy went home and did more sports and coaching sports with my kids, but, but it was still, you know, big lunches, big dinners. schmooze, not a lot of let’s go out and do fitness stuff. You know, the ski trip wasn’t skiing.
Tim Borys 11:45
Yeah. Yeah. That is on that note? What? How would you define wellness?
Mike Skrypnek 11:54
Well, good, you know, but around the philosophy. It really is about that personal development like personal, professional and philanthropic, which is connecting your, you know, whatever impact that it is that that you feel innately compelled to do or have in this world? I think those things really are key to it. And the LM on this is all around, you know, understanding what’s important to you in life, physically, lifestyle, relationship wise, with your family, you know, how does all this work? And what makes you feel the best, and then finding how to do it, and implementing
So, you know, the biggest thing for me, Tim, is the reason all of the things that I wanted to accomplish fell into place is because I found people who knew better than I did. You know, I hired coaches, I hired mentor, I went and had mentors, I followed the lead of the best of the best and read and read and read. Ernie was learning from the best of others, so that you can implement implement in your life, because most people just don’t have any guidance.
Right? They don’t. Yeah, wellness. What does it mean to you? I mean, most people have no idea. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s just like people, you know, and forgive me, I don’t want to be political on this. But you know, people who say, Well, I’m not gonna get a vaccine, and they’re pound in a Big Mac down there other you know, like, they don’t have any, they have a problem with something that might be good for them. And then they’re eating a just a terrible diet. Right? That’s a little bit of a challenge, but they’re not getting good information. No one’s setting good role models in business and corporate in daily life. So yeah, I just think it’s about seeking the answers and defining what that wellness means to everybody themselves.
Tim Borys 13:50
Well, I’m one of the challenges that we see in our business, as well as the fact that wellness means so many different things to different people. I read a stat the other day, I think, was Harvard, Harvard Business Review had a workplace wellness study, and it was 91 92% of companies have some type of wellness services in place. And it was three out of five have a defined wellness budget, which sounds great on the surface. But when you actually scrape away and dig a little bit deeper, how are they defining wellness, very few of them have actually defined what it means to their organization, because it may mean different things to different people and different companies.
But if you can’t define it, how do you know you’re actually working towards that? And one thing that I’d be curious to get your opinion on is I know from the entrepreneurial side, generally, when you’re, especially on the smaller business side, there’s much more flexibility to make change. As a business owner, I know if I want to make a change in my organization, I can implement it relatively fast. I just decision and it happens. But in the larger organizations, there’s many more hurdles and steps to go through to create that change. And with those ingrained, I guess, ways of doing things, people may not always get the traction they want or the results they want. What What have you seen from people you’ve worked with in larger organizations and how they go about creating some of that change, especially once they get the philosophy and they and they want to implement it more?
Mike Skrypnek 15:36
I think it’s challenging at the best of times, Tim, you know, there’s I so I work with people, I always say, I work with people in that in the wealth and the health industries, right, the people who either serve provide products and services to those two main industries, or their their purchasers are having a relationship, like luxury items or something, you know, it’s Yeah. So I have people who might be independent contractors who are self self employed entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, maybe 10, or $20 million businesses with 20 people who work with them.
But we also have this expanded network and some of my independent contractors serve fortune 500 companies, they’re, you know, they serve the large company. And they always talk about, of course, leadership, leadership is always it’s such a buzz word, anybody talking about, we’re either talking about leadership or mindfulness these days, that’s kind of the thing. But really, what it comes down to is the owners that I work with. And then the people who’s the C suite people in major companies that we work with, it’s all about how that individual creates tone, tone, and you’ve heard the expression tone at the top.
A tone at the top is a culture of wellness and a culture of wellness is allowances for everybody else in the organization to seek out wellness. I one of the challenges with insurance programs, or a variety of coverage that we get within corporate environments is that there’s limitations. And personally, I think that’s probably one of the biggest detriments to corporate wellness is the limitations on the account balances, you know, I don’t want to go for my massage every month, because it’s good for me, but because I stopped in June, because I only get six. And if I don’t do that, then I can’t get acupuncture. Like all of these different things that probably are really great for humans to incorporate into their wellness practices.
They’re, they’re being limited. So if I could, I would abolish limits on all extended health benefits, and just punish those that who were like abusing the system, but I don’t think abusing the system is getting Well, every month, you know, and attending to it, I think it should be unlimited. So you have a person at the top who are the C suite who are interested in Pro, you know, promoting wellness, and then you have some limitations of program, and then an inability, because corporately, they’re not structured that way to create the accountability. So if you removed the barriers, you added an accountability portion.
And then you continue to have give the voice to the C suite, the executives who are really there to support who incorporated into their own lives, then I think you’ve got a recipe for success. But on poor unfortunate it’s like a three legged stool, but usually those pieces don’t exist. So all at the same time. So if you can get those in harmony, I think there’s a lot of opportunity for you know, maybe it’s utopia. I don’t know you you work in that all the time. I just think that’s a utopian view of how I’d love it.
I’d love limitless wellness opportunity, you know, accountability for people because they just don’t know it just know that you know, or do they do it just, you know, you know that if you’re going to get better at golf, you got to swing your you know, you got to practice you got to get how many putts and how many pitches and you know, but people won’t do the same for other fitness or nutritional type activity, right. And then the tone at the top has to be an understanding that it saves law. It saves lives.
Yeah, I mean, I saw it. I saw a 50 year old dropping dead one year in my career and I’m like, they’re not well, people. They believe in all the wrong things. They think that they have to work harder, Mr. Kids, you know, because it won’t be better if they don’t do that. You know, I just I’m all about working smart and working right and not hard. Yeah,
Tim Borys 20:00
and traditional, you don’t have
Mike Skrypnek 20:02
to hurt once in a while you gotta bust it sometimes.
Tim Borys 20:04
Absolutely, yeah. But there’s working hard and working smart. And you can do both. But there’s also working hard and just driving your head into the ground, because you’re just working on stuff that doesn’t need to be worked on, or you’re not looking long term. And this is the traditional corporate culture sets, sets people up for that, and then supports that. There’s the, the mindset that, oh, you know, someone that works hard works longer hours is, you know, more dedicated to the company’s like, maybe they’re just ineffective and inefficient. And, yeah,
Mike Skrypnek 20:41
I mean, if they can’t get done in eight hours, what most people get done in three, then maybe you have a training issue, right? Or maybe there’s a personal health issue, because they’re not motivated, not energized, they don’t feel good. They’re not confident in all of those things. And the whole corporate culture, corporate culture that, you know, golf is a reasonable way, in a big organization with big sales departments, golf is a thing, right?
Well, and then they shun going out for a run or going out for a bike ride with you know, that’s, that’s done, you know, now, I’m fortunate now I live in a location that it’s hard to get people back in the office. But the other way around works a lot against favor, because what is an acceptable pursuit isn’t always acceptable across the board for other things that essentially create the same level of wellness, or maybe the more within your staff or your corporate or your organization.
Tim Borys 21:40
Yeah, and you hit the nail on the head when you said, accountability. And that’s my opinion, the biggest thing missing from workplace wellness, the corporate culture is that some companies have a C level position for HR, you get chief people officer and things like that.
But very rarely is HR sitting at the, the the executive table, there’s a VP, but then you’ve got the CEO and CFO and EPO, and HR is down here. And even within HR, there’s not the there’s no accountability for wellness. It’s a piece of the portfolio, but no one sitting at the seat in the C suite has direct definable KPIs around employee health and performance.
Right? I bet it’s less than point 1% of companies that they would have that. And it’s just but yet they have all these metrics for other aspects of the business. And the key driver for performance from the bottom line, and the employee side. Is health, wellness and happiness. Right. And there’s no there’s no accountability for that.
Mike Skrypnek 22:58
Right. And there’s often you know, there’s often a differing, there’s one message, there’s mixed messages, right? The mixed messages, we support this, we acknowledge the data that shows that healthier, happier, more mentally comfortable, people who are confident at work actually delivered far better results in less time. You don’t have to worry about retention because they love being where they are and enhances their life.
Right. And then the old message that all but we have a deadline today, every day, you have a deadline. Every day you have KPIs that have corporate registration, or corporate connection, rather, and it doesn’t register with your personal health. So you’re just like, Okay, well, what’s the message, and then there’s a really haphazard way of creating accountability would give you the program would do the work, why aren’t people staying on it? And you know, just like anybody, accountability helps develop habits and habits or wear habits, habits are the key things that need to be, like completely broken, right, all the negative habits that people bring into their lives of negative self talk, the negative daily routines, that just you can’t get out of, because there’s just so engrained, more developed over years.
And then, you know, the next phase is you have to strip those down to nothing. And then not not eliminate, eliminate the bad habits, and then replace it with a good habit. It’s just one good habit at a time. How do you develop that on your own? Right, who are you accountable, and then you have employees or, you know, live in the life of work, and then they go home, and three people don’t ascribe to it. So they go home and they completely break it down again. So you know, it’s a very challenging situation. And that accountability factor habits have to come into play as well. And so it’s complex, which means it’s harder work for the CEO. suite to get their head around, because their VP is all have to go in and execute. And it can be time consuming. It’s out of their element. They don’t have an understanding of it themselves. So there’s some education that is really required around all that.
Tim Borys 25:15
Yeah. And if we pull it back a bit to the, especially the philanthropy side, and I know a lot of employees, especially out there, they’re like, well, that’s for people that are millionaires. What what suggestions and tips do you have? Because I know, there are lots of studies out there that just even giving time or a compliment to someone improves your overall wellness. So what from a personal philanthropy side? What are your tips and suggestions to help people improve their their own happiness and health in life through philanthropy?
Mike Skrypnek 25:52
Well, I have a friend, his name is Herbert Lang is that his nickname is flight time. And he’s 18 year Harlem Globetrotter three time Amazing Race guy. And this thing is hashtag kindness is free. And so if it all stems from just kindness is from a free thing you can give, giving, let’s go, okay. So giving is free. And giving actually produces better response in the giver than it does in the receiver. And when you think of charitable giving, the people the beneficiaries of charity typically have no idea who the benefactor was, who gave who made the donation in the first place, right? So that we give, and we feel good about that. And there’s a physiological response to that. So and it’s studied and proven.
So happiness, giving happiness, being happy and giving compliments and being kind, as well as giving in terms of donating all have a physiological reward system that elevates how we feel about ourselves. So start there, but philanthropy essentially, if you take it to the definition, is kind of the love of humankind. Right. So philanthropy starts at that moment. We’ve just moved it to believe that somehow philanthropists are people who are Uber wealthy, who are redirecting their money to help other top charities out, right. And so we conceive that that’s philanthropy.
But if you break it down, philanthropy is love of humankind. And how do you give philanthropically? Well, we give in with time, we give with what I call influence, or we give with money. And so how do you give time while volunteering? Right? And I, my first book, you know, years ago, that kicked off all of this was around the idea of what philanthropy is, and it’s a journey has very clear steps and Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates and Bano and Bob Geldof, I looked at all of these, what we call modern day icons.
And they all followed very similar had a personal experience that connected them that identified the causes. And then the charities that ultimately the organization’s they chose to support that they felt were really good. And then they figured out what it is they do best. And they made it happen. So it wasn’t always money, right? Bob Geldof, he could coordinate masses of people because he had all these connections in the music world. And he could get them to pull off one of the biggest concerts ever. And he was passionate about it. And everybody went along with him. Right. So those types of things, Oprah may have given tons of money to charity, but she really ultimately changed literacy in North America.
I mean, if you think about her biggest impact, she knew that she had an platform that she could advocate for reading, and Oprah change the way people read and effectively probably change the lives of millions of people.
Because they started really, really personal, and they might be money. And so if it was money, the biggest thing I haven’t concerned about with money is that people aren’t giving, because they’re worried that they don’t have enough, right? There’s a scarcity mentality. Well, first of all, you gotta eliminate that. But it’s got to be realistic.
What you do have to be realistic is people tend to plan more about their next computer, they buy the next TV, they buy the car they buy, they will spend weeks and months planning that out. And then they’ll just throw their money at a charity and say, that’s good. I felt like heartfelt That was great. And that’s not bad. But what if you spent the same kind of time What if you invested a week investigating what might be the best use of the amount of capital you have?
And then what about the fact that maybe that 50 bucks today, you can actually maybe make that a half a million dollar gift. If you in fact looked at other tools Now I help people plan with insurance is one of the biggest tools for philanthropy. And quite frankly, if you come if you combine philanthropy, giving cash, insurance, and taxes, you can get to an estate plan that has zero tax, right and give like a half million dollar gift to charity that you otherwise would have been giving 50 bucks a year to, or whatever 50 bucks a month to. So you can find ways to elevate and magnify your financial giving. But you got to ask there are some great professionals out there who know what they’re doing. But a little investigation goes a long way. And I’d say people just invest a little more time than picking up your new phone.
Tim Borys 30:43
And I
Mike Skrypnek 30:44
was I helpful. I was at a helpful input. were you hoping?
Tim Borys 30:47
Absolutely no, that’s wonderful. And I think it hits exactly on things that we talk to our clients about to even on the health and fitness side is what, what’s important to you, What’s your purpose? Why are you? Why are you doing what you’re doing? You know, I are we are coaches, when people someone comes in for personal training or to get fit. They’re like, I want to lose 10 pounds. I’m like,
What is Yeah,
Mike Skrypnek 31:11
why is it important to you why it’s great.
Tim Borys 31:13
I like it, I can lop off an arm and you’ll be 10 pounds lighter. How’s that going to help you? what’s what’s this going to do for you and your life? Why it’s and why is it important? And I think very few people actually take the time to think about that. And what it’s it’s just that reflection time, whether it’s on the corporate side for wellness, why? Why is a wellness program important to our company? If it’s individual? Why? Why do I want to be healthier and happier? What do I want to be able to do? On the giving side? What what organizations charities? Do I want to donate my time or my money or my effort to? And yeah, you’re right, people don’t think about that. And there’s
Mike Skrypnek 31:58
excellent programs like you provide excellent corporate wellness, wellness programs for people through your business, there are excellent, you know, the United Way is is the biggest player in the market. But there’s other online applications that go into corporate space that help people do philanthropic giving, and you know, those programs exist, but I tend to think that they lose again, in that whole accountability and habit side of things. They just they’re there. But no one knows how to use them.
They don’t understand what to do with them. And no one’s making sure that they’re looking at them again next week, you know, so yeah, it’s just, and you know, human like, not everybody, it’s not for everybody, not everybody feels charitable. And, and you don’t have to feel virtuous to be charitable, or giving, like, philanthropy is not just for the virtuous you can be, I want to do I always want to write a book that you don’t have to be good to do good, you know, you can be a jerk and still give or you can be grumpy, like, it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to go to church to feel that that’s where, you know, it’s just, I think that there’s a belief that that’s something that other people better than me do. And it’s not true.
Tim Borys 33:14
Well, what you said about the giving benefits the giver more than the don’t, the person you’re giving to, I read a quote somewhere that says be selfish. give to others, because only this fit you more. So yeah, yes, self essential.
Mike Skrypnek 33:31
And here’s something else, um, tell people about it. I talked to a young man in California just last week. And he’s got this whole platform that he allows people to celebrate their charitable and their giving and their philanthropic actions publicly. So he’s not profiling, the charities he profiling the person who gave him he’s making them the feature, they’re the celebrity. And it’s not, you know, it’s not a pure act of vanity. It’s it, but it’s celebrating the good that they do so that they can create a role model. And I always had problems.
When people would develop these fantastic plans, we’d have amazing plans that suddenly families given a million bucks to charity, right? And they didn’t want to tell anybody. And that part we got so far in the process, and everything was connected. I’m like, why don’t you want to be a visible role model for people while you’re living so that they can follow in your footsteps? Because you never know. Just like your kids, like when you’re a parent, they’re always watching, you tend to forget that but they’re always watching, right?
You never know who’s watching for your lead. What is it that you’re doing that other inspires others. And just think if you inspired others to do similar things, different cause doesn’t matter. But they decided to explore their philanthropy just because you shared that. I think those thing I think is really critical. So accountability plan, again, accountability, we’re going back to accountability, but visibility Yeah, is important. Yeah,
Tim Borys 35:02
very cool. Now, from a, I guess, what, what’s the kernel or wisdom that you’d want to pass on? Before we start to wrap up things? Like if you could have people take away one thing from this call, what what would it be?
Mike Skrypnek 35:20
One thing I would incorporate. I would, I would say the one thing that is really critical is it actually just like girl get give, it all started with a give a giving mindset and end up with how to do it, you know, the give the big impact giving processes, the other end how to actually execute it, but lead with, you know, that passion and that purpose. But don’t leave it alone. At that moment, add some action to it, I talked about being the catalyst or the energy in the spark people, it’s exactly that you, you can think about helping humanity all you want.
But if you don’t get up off your ass, and do something about it, nothing gets done. So action has to be added energy has to be added a spark. And for, for a lot of people, maybe that’s they need to find someone who can coach them through it, they might need some people to guide them, advise them through it, or they just might have to read a book and learn through it.
So whatever it is, lead with that giving purpose, and then explore how to execute it. And in between just living a good life that makes all of that happen, or eligible to happen. Like right, if you set the platform, set the table in business in life for a bigger impact, then you can make it happen. But if you don’t, is you can’t make it happen either. So Well, that was a bigger sentiment than the one word.
Tim Borys 36:48
Now that that’s great, though, is a lot of people stop, fail to take action because they don’t know how to do it. And all you need is the willingness to want to do it. And the persistence to say I’m gonna add or not even the persistence, the almost the enthusiasm to say, you know what I know, I don’t know how to do it, and I’m going to figure it out. And that means talking to other people. What when you approach it from that mindset, it anything’s possible.
Mike Skrypnek 37:21
Yeah, absolutely. Very cool. Imagine if you just open up a conversation, say, I want to do this. I don’t know anything about it. Can you help me? All of a sudden, that person’s going not only can I help you, but I can introduce you. Suddenly your networks bigger. Suddenly your personal and professional opportunities expand. So all you had to do is just say, help me out on our stand it but my intention is to do better.
Tim Borys 37:44
Excellent. So for wrap up, where can people find you?
Mike Skrypnek 37:50
Well, I can, they can find me online all the time. But I’m trying you know, we’re all live in a digital world aren’t we go get gift calm, or Mike script nick.com. Same website. That’s where I am all the time. You can I host events, I have a breakfast, I have weekly, a monthly speakers club, I have a monthly guest speaker. So all my events are there. And as well on LinkedIn, and Facebook and Instagram, under my name, or grow, get give. So you just Google my name. And you’ll find me for sure. Because there’s no script next around really. and grow, get give, you’ll find me I grow get gift calm. And, you know, just find those two,
Tim Borys 38:27
you’ll you’ll find me.
Mike Skrypnek 38:29
You know, I urge you and, you know, here’s Actually you know what, I’ll give you a gift I want to give give you want to give a freebie. My book is also hosted at GGG secrets.com GGG secret, so you don’t have to worry about messing up girl get give calm and you get a copy of my book, you get a free copy of a book. And if you want to talk, just book a meeting, there’s a link there. We can book a meeting and chat for 20 minutes and explore.
Tim Borys 38:56
Sounds great. I’ll make sure that gets put in the the link to as well. Awesome. Thank you very much, Mike. It’s been awesome having you on and great, great wisdom to share. So thank you so much. And hopefully I can have you back on again another future date.
Mike Skrypnek 39:12
Yeah, let’s let’s look at, you know, a year from now and see how it’s going. with you. I wish you the best of luck, Tim. This is gonna be an awesome thing for people to hear. You have a lot of wisdom to share, and you guide people really well through it.
Tim Borys 39:23
Thank you very much. Thank you for listening to the working well podcast. If you enjoyed the show, don’t forget to rate and review us wherever you get your podcasts. We’d love to hear your experiences and how you’ve applied tips from the show to your daily life. So please keep us posted on your progress. To stay up to date with new episode releases, make sure to subscribe to our mailing list by emailing podcast at fresh group.ca and follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. Thank you everyone for tuning in. And once again I’m Tim Borys with fresh wellness group. We’ll see you on the next episode.